

Make your life extraordinary and make everyone smile who are involved .

When you eat something delicious.
When you can laugh with your loved ones.
When the dream you kept wishing for came true.
When your life suddenly became brighter,
We want to help you with the moment when your life become colorful.
And happiness is
Something that is built on a rich heart.
  We can become the foundation that supports that abundance.
That is the kind organization we aim to be.

- Corporate philosophy -

We are a group that constantly being creative and pursues speed and quality at the same time, creating an era where smiles are shared.


Live a more authentic life by believing in people, caring for others, and being loved by others.


We turn uncertain possibilities into solid value and bring smiles to everyone involved.


Values ​​are created through a combination of various factors.
Passion x Reason, Challenge x Challenge, Profit x Social Contribution


Representative director
Takushi Yoneda

The premium life we ​​create will bloom and nourish your soul.
The mission of the Group is to fulfill this indispensable role.
In order to live a fulfilling life with peace of mind, we need something to rely on.

We aim to be a restaurant that you can rely on, and we want to be the cornerstone of everyone’s fulfilling lives.